Khon, Thai massage tipped to be held as intangible cultural heritages


BANGKOK,(NNT) – The cabinet approved the proposal to UNESCO for Khon and Thai massage to be held as intangible cultural heritages.

Thailand News 29-03-17 NNT 3 Khon, Thai massage tipped to be held as intangible cultural heritages.1JPG

Culture Minister Vira Rojpojchanarat said the cabinet had approved the Ministry of Culture’s plan to propose to UNESCO listing Thai Khon performance and Thai massage as intangible cultural heritages.

The proposal will be submitted to UNESCO in Paris by the end of this month. The proposal will be subjected to at least 1-year consideration period prior to be presented to the inter-government commission for approval.

Khon performance falls into UNESCO’s criteria as it is a performance art, social practices, ceremony, festival, and traditional craftsmanship, while Thai massage is considered a traditional healthcare practice linked to local culture, and an alternative treatment with can be performed in parallel with modern medicine.