King re-visits Chang Hua Man Project


PRACHUAP KHIRI KHAN, 2 January 2014  – His Majesty the King yesterday (January 1) proceeded by car from Klai Kangwon Palace in Prachuap Khiri Khan to Chang Hua Man agricultural development project in Tambon Khao Krapuk, Tha Yang District, Phetchaburi Province to observe the progress of this royally initiated project.

On this occasion, His Majesty the King observed a dairy milk farm which was established at the royal initiative in 2009 on a piece of 250 rai of land as a pilot project to develop economic crops available in the region. The farm is intended as a learning center for farmers and encourages participation of people in the area to help run the farm.

The project has met a great success in its goal. Apart from experimenting with the cultivation of such crops such as Phetchaburi jambul fruit and asparagus, it has built wind turbines for electricity production and promoted hydroponic vegetables and compost making. During the visit, His Majesty fed grass to milk cows and gave milk to a 41-day-old calf – the same one he fed milk when last visiting the farm on December 15, 2013. The young ox now weighs 70 kilograms and is in good health to be raised as a breeder.

The dairy farm at Chang Hua Man Project was started in 2010. It has at present 20 cows, mostly of European breeds. During the royal visit, a lot of people including families of staff members and those living in nearby areas gathered in full force to greet His Majesty the King.