Lampang residents light candles to protest against current anti-government movement


LAMPANG, 17 January 2014  Residents in Lampang province have got together to light candles in a bid to express their protest against the current anti-government demonstrations. 

Lampang residents have come together to show their disagreement with the current political protests in Bangkok and their support for the February 2 general elections by a mass candle lighting gathering.

Those who participated stated that they supported peace, disagreed with any coup attempts by the military, and would like the country to return to its normal state. Moreover, signs depicting the group’s support for the upcoming general elections were held high, as well as white paper origami cranes to signify peace for the nation.

During the gathering, participants had yelled together in unison “February 2 election” for a number of times before joining in on lighting the candles and praying for peace to resume in the country.