Land Transport Dept upgrading toilet services at all bus terminals


SURAT THANI, June 2015 – The Land Transport Department is expediting the standardization of toilet services at all bus terminals in Thailand as a step to raise the country’s competitiveness ahead of the ASEAN Economic Community.

The provincial Public Relations officer of Surat Thani said the effort came as most toilets at bus terminals are found to be below international standard, having worn-out facilities and unhygienic conditions.

The Land Transport Department thus designed a model toilet and run it on a trial basis in order to use the information gained for renovation of other toilets across Thailand. The design is consistent with the Healthy Accessibility Safety (HAS) standard of the Department of Health.

The HAS standard requires that each bus terminal must have enough toilets for passengers with special facilities for wheelchair users. All toilets services should be free of charge.

The Land Transport Department is confident that the toilet improvement plan at all of its 60 bus terminals and nine others under the responsibilities of the Transport Co., Ltd., and the private sector will be completed by 30 September this year.

As for public toilets at 48 other bus terminals taken care by local administrative organizations, their renovation is pending budget allocations, the officer added.