M Pass and Easy Pass linkup boosts users of the tollway


The linkup between M Pass and Easy Pass toll cards since October 31 has pushed up the number of cars and trips using the two systems, said Transport Minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisit on Tuesday.


During the November 1-6 period, the number of trips using the expressway increased 10.7 percent to an average of 631,406/day from 570,590/day in October from 60,816 vehicles. During the same period, the number of cars using the motorway system increased 92.9 percent to an average of 59,272/day from 37,023/day in October.

The linkup of the two systems also saw the amount of cash toll fees collected each day for the motorway service dropped 7.9 percent with the number of cars using the tollway and pay toll fees in cash dropping to 370,161/day from 402,035.

Mr Arkhom said the linkup of the two systems has eased the problem of congestion at the toll gates, prompting the Transport Ministry to install more electronic toll collection systems to cope with an anticipated increase of the number of users of the expressway and motorway.

For the future plan, the minister disclosed that the ministry might introduce the “touch and go” toll cards so that motorists need not have to stop for the barricade to be lifted.