Mae Hong Son’s township border committee to meet with Myanmar counterpart


MAE HONG SON, 11 December 2013 Thailand’s township border committee in the northern province of Mae Hong Son will meet with its Myanmar counterpart, on trade and illegal drug issues on Thursday. 

According to Col. Bannawat Promchan, the commander of special Infantry division 7th, Thailand will host the meeting of the 23rd joint township border committee on Thursday.

The issues to be discussed include border patrol cooperation increase to better deal with drug traffickers, the opening of the permanent checkpoint at Chong Huay Noon to boost trade ties, and cooperation on the reduction of smoke caused by wild fires occurring in the area in every dry season.

Mae Hong Son, which shares a 483-kilometer long common border with the Union of Burma, is a home to thousands of displaced people from Myanmar and other areas. Recently, the province has suffered from heavy smog caused by wild fires and slash-and-burn agriculture in Myanmar during the dry season.