Marine Dept ensures travelers’ safety in Phang Nga


PHANG NGA – The Marine Department has inspected the progress of a construction project in Phang Nga, making sure travelers are safe during the Songkran commute.

Thailand News - 16-04-17 2 NNT Marine Dept ensures travelers’ safety in Phang Nga

Somchai Sumanushajonkul, the deputy director-general of the Marine Department, and Marine Department officials inspected a wharf in Phang Nga where a 36-million-baht construction project is underway. Expected to be completed next year, the project is aimed at improving the function and services of the wharf.

While in Phang Nga, Marine Department officials handed out pamphlets containing safety instructions to water commuters and other travelers.

Port officers have been instructed to maintain a peaceful atmosphere and be on high alert at all times during the Songkran Festival, said Somchai, adding that officers should regularly inspect the quay and passenger and cargo vessels to make sure that the operators follow maritime regulations.