Medical Council praises doctors at Chulalongkorn hospital for saving a plane passenger


A Chulalongkorn hospital’s anesthesiologist was commended by the Medical Council for saving the life of an on-board Thai passenger who fell unconscious during a THAI flight from Bangkok to Tokyo on Saturday.


The Thai male passenger whose name was not disclosed was travelling with his children for a sight-seeing trip in Japan on Thai Airways International’s flight TG 682. About one hour before the plane was due to arrive at the Haneda airport in Tokyo, the passenger fell unconscious after having breakfast, according to a statement that the Medical Council posted on the website.

A crew member who was in charge of C Class saw the passenger was unusually motionless and felt his pulse and it was not beating. Then the supervisor was alerted and an announcement was made asking for a doctor among the passengers.

Fortunately, Dr Manasnan Kongvibulwuthi, an anesthesiologist at Chulalongkorn hospital, was among the passengers and she immediately offered a helping hand.

The patient was moved from his seat and placed on the floor of the plane where Dr Manassnan immediately performed CPR with the help of crew members and AED and medical kit.

The doctor performed CPR alternating with electric shock from the AED device for about 20 minutes until the patient started to cough and to breathe.

When the plane finally touched down at the airport and made a stop at the apron, an ambulance was already there to take the patient to the nearest hospital for medical treatment.