Metropolitan Police tightens security measures for Red Cross Fair 2015


BANGKOK, 27 March 2015  – The Metropolitan Police Bureau has tightened security measures to ensure safety of visitors to the Red Cross Fair 2015 to be held between Mar 30 and Apr 7.

Metropolitan Police Chief Pol Lt-Gen Srivara Rangsibrahmanakul called a meeting of police officials assigned to the mission covering crime prevention and traffic management during the fair.

According to Metropolitan Police Bureau deputy chief Pol Maj-Gen Chonasit Wattanavrangkul, about 700 policemen have been assigned to patrol on foot around the Red Cross Fair in Dusit area while some will standby at the Joint Security Operations Command to receive crime notifications and conduct primary investigations. One-hundred-and-fifty more traffic policemen will be deployed to deal with traffic flow.

More than 100 CCTV cameras have been installed to monitor all over the event to help police detect crimes.

During the fair, three roads will be closed as follows: U-Thong Nai Rd. from U-Thong Nai Intersection to Dusit Palace Plaza which is normally known in Thai as Lan Phra Ratchawang Dusit, secondly Sri Ayutthaya Rd. from Wat Benchamabophit Intersection to Phon 1 intersection, and lastly Ratchadamnoen Nok Rd. from Suan Mitsakawan Intersection returning to Lan Phra Ratcha Wang Dusit. For more information on traffic management, please call 1197.

The police also requested all visitors not to drink alcoholic beverage, or bring weapons and fireworks into the fair. Hawkers will be denied access. Parents wishing to take children to the fair are advised to make sure the latter carry ID cards and parent’s telephone no. in case they get separated.