Military EOD unit developing plan to retrieve WWII bombs


Ratchaburi, 29th August 2018  –Ratchaburi Governor Chayawut Chantorn has assured local residents of their safety after World War II bombs were found in the water under Chulaborn Bridge.

The Ratchaburi Governor told people living in the vicinity of the bridge not to worry about the bombs while the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) unit of the Thai army is developing plans to safely retrieve them.

Chayawat also explained that the Japanese locomotive, which was also found near the bombs, was attacked during the war while it was making its way across the Mae Klong River.

A plan was previously proposed for the locomotive to be brought out of the water and placed in a museum of relics of the past. However, the plan fell by the way side and the locomotive has remained under water ever since.

The Ratchaburi Governor further stated that a company commissioned to build a double railway track between Nakhon Phathom province and the tourist city of Hua Hin sought his advice on its construction, which is expected to take place along the river, after learning about the bombs.

He has already sought assistance from the State Railway of Thailand and the army to remove them so the construction can begin and for the safety of local residents.