Ministry of Energy awards 83 power-saving agencies


BANGKOK – Energy Minister General Anantaporn Kanchanarat has conferred accolades on 83 best-performing agencies at the Thailand Energy Awards 2015. 

The award-winning agencies were selected for their noteworthy achievements in reducing over 360,000 tons of carbon dioxide per year and saving as much as 2.5 billion baht in energy costs.

Gen Anantaporn said the launch of the Thailand Energy Award was aimed at raising awareness of the need for energy conservation by encouraging public and private organizations to come up with their own cost-cutting and power-saving projects.

Participating agencies must excel in at least one of the five categories, namely alternative energy, power conservation, human resource, environmentally-constructive campaigns and roles in energy conservation and alternative energy promotion.

Gen Anantaporn disclosed that the ministry attaches great importance to energy sustainability, economic stability and environmental sustainability. Five strategies were issued to boost electricity production, conserve energy, promote alternative energy, and improve the management of natural gas and petrol.

Exceptional agencies were also nominated as the country’s representatives for the ASEAN Energy Awards 2015. They have won 18 out of 46 awards.