Ministry of Finance devises more stimulus measures, targets 3.8% growth in 2016


BANGKOK – The Ministry of Finance has been tasked with implementing additional stimulus measures to achieve the government’s 2016 economic growth target of 3.8%.

Permanent Secretary of Finance Somchai Sujjapongse revealed that the ministry will focus its assistance on farmers and low-income earners. For example, financial institutions will be asked to approve more loans and ease payment deadlines.

Mr. Somchai said that the first quarter of 2016 is expected to perform well, citing projects to support small-scale investments. In the second quarter, he said the challenge is maintaining this positive momentum through a series of carefully timed stimulus measures.

The Bureau of the Budget is planning to allocate 70 billion to 100 billion baht to fund stimulus measures in the first half of the year. Then several infrastructure projects will begin in the third quarter and help the country achieve its annual growth target