Ministry praises VAT refund service at Suvarnabhumi Airport


Bangkok, 28th August 2018 – The Ministry of Tourism and Sports has commended the Customs and Revenue departments for fully assisting foreign tourists in receiving VAT refunds.

Permanent Secretary for Tourism and Sports Pongpanu Svetarundra, made an unannounced visit to the VAT refund counters at Suvarnabhumi International Airport on August 27th to lend his support to officials and interview tourists about their level of customer satisfaction.

He praised the performance of the VAT refund staff for providing tourists with an orderly and pleasant experience, which has led to repeat visitors. He said VAT refunds are a major part of supporting commerce in the country.

Tourists can apply for a refund through the VAT refund office at the departure area just past the immigration checkpoint, at the petitions box at the airport VAT refund office, or through registered mail posted to the Revenue Department.