MOU signed with Singapore’s SPI to develop specialists in qualifications reference


BANGKOK, 28 July 2015- The Department of Skill Development has signed a memorandum of understanding with Singapore Polytechnic International Pte. Ltd. for a project to develop specialists in ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF).

Nakorn Silpa-archa, permanent secretary to the Ministry of Labour, presided over the MOU signing, paving the way for the development of personnel of the Department of Skill Development, Thailand Professional Qualification Institute, Office of the Education Council, Office of the Vocational Education Commission and Office of the Higher Education Commission. Under the program the said personnel will be trained to become proficient in referencing workers’ skills in accordance with Thailand’s national qualifications framework as well as ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework.

According to Mr. Nakorn, this capability will contribute to the mobility of skilled workers after the ASEAN Economic Community comes into being at the end of the year. The collaboration between the Department of Skill Development and SPI will be undertaken during 2015 and 2018.