MRT to expand service due to increase in passenger demand


BANGKOK, 22 August 2012 – The operator Bangkok’s underground train system is going to expand its service after reports of an increase in passenger demand. 

According to Mass Rapid Transit Authority of Thailand (MRTA) Governor Yongsit Rojsrikul, with the number of MRT passengers going up by 10 percent per year, from the previous average of 250,000, the MRTA is considering buying more trains to add to its fleet of 19 cars.

Mr. Yongsit said that between 5 and 10 new cars will be procured to serve more passengers.

The MRTA Governor added that the implementation of a flat fare of 20 baht, as called for by the government, will boost passengers’ number to more than double.

He reckoned that the 20-baht fare policy will likely be implemented on the Blue Line MRT system in 2 years from now, before it is expanded to the Purple Line, which is expected to be completed in 2015.

Mr. Yongsit went on to say that that the extension of both Blue and Purple Line systems has been delayed because of the flood crisis in late 2011.

He said that as the MRTA will propose that the Cabinet agree with the postponement of the construction deadline by 180 days, while pushing the contractors to complete the project as planned.