Myanmar labor joining rally against human trafficking in Yala


YALA, 7 June 2013, Deputy Yala Governor Sayan Intarapakdi presided over the Anti Human Trafficking Day celebrations at Yala Municipality Youth Center yesterday, reaffirming the policies to develop social and human security. 

The event was a joint effort by various provincial offices comprising the Attorney’s Office, the Labor Welfare and Protection Office, the Employment Office, the Boy’s Foster Home, and other welfare offices for children.

The event was highlighted by a walking and cycling rally carrying labels and signs showing slogans against human trafficking. Also joining the rally were 450 Myanmar laborers in the province.

Head of the Yala Social Development and Human Security Office, Teerapong Srisukon, stated that the event is in line with the Cabinet resolution made in 2008 designating June 6 as the Anti Human Trafficking Day. He added the event was aimed at educating and raising awareness of the public about human trafficking, which is deemed a social and national issue.

He said strong family, community and social ties are keys to preventing the problem.