Myanmar soldiers flee across border to Thailand

The Myanmar side returned fire to defend their base, but eventually the KNLA forces successfully seized the Pulu Tu base.

TAK, Thailand – The Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) has successfully seized control of the Myanmar military’s Pulu Tu base after intense firefight in the middle of the night.

This caused Myanmar soldiers to flee for their lives across the border into Thailand. Thai soldiers detained them and provided initial humanitarian assistance.

Around midnight, the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) attacked the Pulu Tubase (Infantry Battalion 31) of the Myanmar military, located opposite Thailand’s Tha Song Yang District, Tak Province. They deployed various weapons including bomb-dropping drones, rocket launchers, machine guns, rifles, and sniper rifles.

The Myanmar side returned fire to defend their base, but eventually the KNLA forces successfully seized the Pulu Tu base. A number of Myanmar soldiers were killed, while others fled across the Moei River into Thailand.

Soldiers from the Ratchamanu Task Force and the 35th Rangers Task Force of the Naresuan Forces detained the Myanmar soldiers and provided initial humanitarian assistance.

They have also intensified security measures to protect the lives and property of Thai citizens living along the border and to prevent sovereignty violations.

In this incident, no Thai citizens were injured or killed, and no property on the Thai side was damaged. (TNA)

A number of Myanmar soldiers were killed, while others fled across the Moei River into Thailand.