NBTC lowers asking price in 1800 MHz auction


Bangkok – Thailand’s National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission (NBTC) has decided to change certain requirements for its auctions to make the bidding more appealing to potential bidders.

Regarding the upcoming 1800 MHz auction, the NBTC committee has decided to issue nine 5 MHz licenses, instead of the fifteen it previously offered to bidders, in order to lower the asking price to 12.4 billion baht.

Last month’s 1800 MHz auction had to be canceled because the 3 major phone operators, AIS, True and Dtac, did not participate. The NBTC is positive phone service operators will take part in the new auction, expected to be held on Sunday, August 19.

Additionally, the 900 MHz bidding process will be held on Saturday of the same weekend. The NBTC will offer 5 MHz licenses to bidders but at a starting price of 35.9 billion baht. Both the 1800 and 900 MHz frequency bands can be used by 4G and 5G networks.