NBTC urged to control contents of local cable TVs and radio programs



BANGKOK, 9 March 2012  – A group of consumers has urged the Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) to regulate the contents of local cable television and radio programs, as many are found to have been disseminating misleading information to the public.


The Foundation for Consumers and consumer networks from 16 provinces has submitted a complaint urging the NBTC to issue a control act prohibiting commercials that overstate their products’ qualities.

They said that 95% of the medical and health product commercials on local cable televisions and radio have been violating certain provisions of the 1979 Food Control Act. The group asked the NBTC to work with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to stop the distribution of the said products.

In addition, the consumer network told the NBTC to come up with clear punishment for violators and control over program schedules so as to make them suitable for audience. They also asked for continuous budget allocation for this matter so that the organization will be able to fully protect consumers.