NCPO determines to resolve labour problems


BANGKOK, June 28 — The National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) is determined to solve lingering labour problems in Thailand and will explain to the US government about the issue, reporting it would lay out guidelines to migrant workers and enforce the law, according to a NCPO spokesman.

Deputy NCPO spokesman Col Winthai Suvaree said NCPO, which seized power in Thailand in its May 22 bloodless coup, attaches great importance to the labour problem in Thailand as it has prepared a clear policy in which a committee to deal with the problem has been established.

Work on two immediate tasks have already begun, he said.

The tasks include laying out guidelines for migrant workers which to suit the current situation and on enforcing the law against wrongdoers who are involved in human trafficking, child labour and slavery, Col Winthai said.

The problems have continued for a long time and they have eroded foreign confidence in the country and could damage Thailand’s economy, he said, adding that the situation should “improve in the eyes of foreigners” as NCPO would solve the issue systematically, Col. Winthai said.

His remarks were made after the United States on Friday issued its 2014 Trafficking in Persons report, downgrading Thailand to “Tier 3”, the lowest rating, even below the Tier 2 warning list.

The United States has accused the kingdom of allowing human trafficking, slavery and gross human rights abuses.

Col Winthai said the downgrade would “not stay permanently”. It would depend on efforts by the accused governments to improve the situation in their countries and increase standards on eradicating human trafficking.

Asked whether Thailand needs to explain to the US government the real situation in this country, Col Winthai said “explanation will have to be made along with changes in positive way.”