NCPO: Lese Majeste offenders will be court-martialled


BANGKOK, 25 May 2014 – The National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) orders lese majeste and certain national security violations tried by a military court.

The NCPO on Sunday issued its 37th announcement authorizing all courts of justice to handle violations according to the laws and announcements of the council. To maintain peace and order in solving the country’s problems, the council orders the following cases which take place in the Kingdom during the period when this announcement is in effect tried by a military court:

The cases involving lese majeste offences under Sections 107 – 112 and national security violations under Sections 113 – 118 except the violations which occurred in the areas under the Internal Security Act B.E. 2551 or the Emergency Decree B.E. 2548.

The cases of violations of announcements or orders issued by the NCPO.