Near miss for PM Prayuth as falling tree hits motorcycle escort


BANGKOK, Dec 17 — Two Army soldiers were slightly injured this morning when a large branch fell onto the motorcade of Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-o-cha in Sukhumvit Road.

The incident took at about 10am as the prime minister traveled to Government House from Bangkok Planetarium, where he had presided at the opening of a renovated Science Centre for Education.

The branch hit two soldiers on a motorcycle escorting the prime minister’s procession. The two were knocked to the pavement from their bike and skidded along the road for 10 metres.

Both men were sent to a nearby hospital for treatment, one with a sprained right wrist and the other with an injury on his right hip.

The branch barely missed the Mercedez carrying Gen Prayut.

After stopping to ask after the condition of both soldiers and ordering the authorities to provide good care of them, the premier and his motorcade then carried on with the journey to Government House.

The chief of the prime minister’s guard detail asserted that the incident was an accident.