New alcohol bans will be made aware to public


BANGKOK, 17 January 2013 The Interior Minister has indicated that alcohol control laws will be strictly enforced to curb underage drinking and new drinkers across Thailand in an attempt to create social order. 

Interior Minister Jarupong Ruangsuwan said he has instructed all provincial governors, in their capacity as chairperson of the provincial Liquor Control Board, to keep the sale of alcohol under surveillance. The governors have been asked to strictly see to it that no liquor is sold to juveniles or anyone below the age of 20, and that alcohol sales must not be allowed in government offices, public parks and temples .

According to the Minister, the government enforced three new laws last year prohibiting sales and drinks of alcohol in three places, namely on pavement, roadside areas and public walkways, in factories and lastly, in government units and state enterprises. In order to strictly enforce the laws, he said the legislation must be publicized continuously among public members.

Minister Jarupong added that alcohol control would be particularly enforced at the district level with a target to eliminate entertainment places such as pubs and bars around schools which have become vice dens for youngsters.

The Minister also indicated that he would step up a campaign to promote alcohol-free celebrations in various festivals and other social events such as Buddhist ordination and funerals.