New anti-corruption law now in effect


Bangkok – Thailand’s new anti-corruption law has officially been brought into force.

The new version of the anti-corruption law was published in the Royal Gazette on July 20.

In this final version, major changes include a provision that allows current members of the Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission to continue their time in office for another seven years or until any of them turns 70 years of age and a provision that empowers the NACC to commence an investigation, file a case and deliver a ruling against judges of the Constitutional Court, officers of any independent organization and holders of political office as well as state officials.

The new law also makes it clear that the statute of limitations in criminal proceedings of any defendants who have escaped, will be suspended while they remain absent.

In addition, holders of all offices and their spouses must file reports of their assets and liabilities to the NACC while state officials as well as employees of state enterprises and their spouses also have to file the same report to their superiors.