Deputy Government Spokesperson Karom Phonphonklang has announced that the Department of Provincial Administration is implementing a DNA testing project for the 2024 fiscal year.
The objective of the program is to assist those Thai citizens who do not have their names or personal details in the household registration, and who lack the necessary evidence to declare late birth registration, add their names to the household registration, or change their status from being unlisted in the civil registration as Thai nationals to being recognized as Thai nationals under the Nationality Law.
Karom stated that the project has been operational since December 15th, 2023, retroactively. Eligible participants include individuals claiming to be Thai who apply for late birth registration or inclusion in the household registration, tribal members, and ethnic dwellers applying for Thai nationality, as well as individuals seeking to change their status in the civil registration documents from stateless to Thai nationals by birth under the Nationality Law.
Other eligible groups include underprivileged, impoverished or needy individuals with parents, relatives, and blood relations recorded in the household registration as Thai nationals, who can undergo DNA testing to prove Thai nationality.
The program is also relevant to individuals facing issues with their civil registration status. More information about the program is available on the website “dopa.go.th” or by calling the telephone number 02-226-2810 extension 316.
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