New regulations on alcohol testing procedures for drivers under 20

A Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of 20 Mg% is considered intoxicated for drivers under 20 years old, those with provisional licenses, those with licenses for different vehicle types, and those whose licenses have been suspended.

Thailand’s Royal Gazette has published new regulations detailing alcohol testing procedures for drivers. If a breathalyzer test cannot be conducted, urine or blood tests will be performed. Importantly, drivers must provide consent before any alcohol test can be administered.

Urine Tests:

  • Appropriate containers with lids must be used.
  • A private area for urination must be provided.
  • Sample collection must be carefully controlled to prevent tampering.
  • Containers must be securely sealed.
  • The person providing the urine sample must sign the container.
  • Samples must be sent to a medical laboratory for analysis.

Blood Tests:
Law enforcement officers will transport the driver to the nearest hospital.
Blood tests will be conducted by medical professionals.

A Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of 20 Mg% is considered intoxicated for drivers under 20 years old, those with provisional licenses, those with licenses for different vehicle types, and those whose licenses have been suspended.

A BAC of 50 Mg% is considered intoxicated for all other drivers. (PRD)