New storm set to hit upper Thailand


Bangkok – Villagers in the northeast who are still affected by flooding due to Tropical Storm Podul must now prepare for another storm about to affect Thailand, believed however to be less severe than Podul.

The Meteorological Department’s (TMD) Director General Phuwieng Prakhammintara, has advised that a new unnamed storm which is now prevailing over Hainan province of China, is moving towards Vietnam’s coast. The storm is currently a category 2 tempest, and will be named Kajiki once it strengthens into a category 3 storm or a tropical storm.

He said villagers in the northeastern region who are just recovering from Storm Podul may well be affected by the new storm which is expected to bring 80-110 millimeters of rainfall into the area, while creating conditions not as severe as those of Tropical Storm Podul. According to the TMD’s analysis, the new storm is unlikely to cross Thailand, but rather will shift north into China’s Guangdong province north of Hainan. The general public is nevertheless advised to be cautious of possible dangers from this storm.

Rainfall from Storm Podul has added some 744 million cubic meters of water to medium-sized dams nationwide. The marked increase of water in storage will serve as water sources for consumption in the next dry season.