New taxi fare to be used on 22 December, only by taxis passing official inspections


BANGKOK, 14 Dec 2014 – The Department of Land Transport (DLT) is continuously inspecting the condition of metered taxis registered in Bangkok and vicinity before allowing them to use a new fare rate which will be effective on 22 December 2014.

During his visit to the DLT headquarters in Bangkok to monitor the progress of the taxi check-ups, DLT deputy director – general Mr.Chirute Visalachitra revealed that the Ministry of Transport has approved the first phase of fare adjustment which stipulates an increase of 8 per cent. Another 5 per cent will be added in the second phase of fare adjustment in the next six months.

The vehicle inspection mainly requires the standard of air-conditioning system, tire condition, seat belts, headlights, indicators, font seats and back seats.

Over 36,000 out of total 100,000 metered taxis have passed the inspection so far and have already received a blue certificate label of meter adjustment permit. The meter tuning is expected to start on 22 December onwards.

Under the new rate, passengers will be charged 35 baht for the first kilometer, then 5.50 baht more for every kilometer during 1st -10th kilometers, 6.50 baht for every kilometer during 10th-20th kilometers. In the case of traffic jam which allows taxis to move with a speed of less than six kilometer per hour, passengers will be charged 2 baht per minute, 0.50 baht higher than the previous rate.

Mr.Chirute added only taxis with a blue label attached on the left side of the windshield can use the new fare rate. Passengers who see any taxis charge a new rate without the blue label issued by the DLT can notify the office through hotline 1584.