NLA inquires into Minintry of Justice policy on ex-convicts


BANGKOK, 5 June 2015 – The National Legislative Assembly (NLA) has inquired into the Ministry of Justice’s policy for ex-convicts on probation.

NLA member Wallop Tungkananurak has questioned the ministry’s high rate of early parole, despite some convicts having committed serious crimes.

He suggested that the ministry inform the public of the reasons for releasing prisoners each year. The NLA member also called for the ministry to make their case considerations transparent and accountable in order to gain the public’s confidence.

Justice Minister General Paibul Khumchaya informed Mr Wallop of the standards for early parole on good behavior. The ministry also collaborates with the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and the Ministry of Interior to monitor and aid parolees.

Gen Paibul also detailed the ministry’s plan to revamp the department tasked with monitoring the behavior of ex-convicts, as well as amend old laws to reflect modern society. He assured that the ex-convicts are well documented and will be supported in finding new occupations and maintaining good behavior in society.