NLA’s Energy Committee holds hearings on Petroleum survey in Songkhla


SONGKHLA, 5 April 2015 – The NLA’s Energy Committee organized two public hearings on the weekend in Songkhla Province, where petroleum survey plots are located, to gauge the impact of petroleum drilling in the Gulf of Thailand, in the view of various groups of people especially fisheries operators. The hearings were in response to public disquiet over the 21st round of bidding for petroleum concessions.

Due to public disagreement with the 21st round of bidding for petroleum concessions, the first public hearing was held in Sating Phra District on Saturday 4th April followed by a second held in Mueang District with the participation of the Governor of Songkhla, provincial authorities, representatives of the fisheries sector and the “Thai Energy Get Back” group.

According to the Chairman of the committee Gen Sakon Satjanit, fisheries operators attending both public hearings called on the government and petroleum concessionaires to ensure a reduction in the impact of drilling on their business.

All the opinions, information and suggestions from Songkhla will be analyzed and summarized at a meeting of the energy committee, before being submitted to Parliament and the government respectively.

The special energy committee was set up by the NLA to conduct a study of the Petroleum Act, B.E. 2514 and the Petroleum Income Tax, B.E. 2514 along with representatives from the government, the private sector and the public to find the best and fairest solution for everyone.