The official Facebook page of UNESCO, with more than 1.7 million followers from around the world, has been displaying the image of Nora, a dance drama from southern Thailand, on its banner, with the message “We are #LivingHeritage.” Many Thais and foreigners visiting the page have admired the image and have congratulated Thailand on having such beautiful traditions. This will help the Nora become more recognized globally.
“Nora” is a community-based ritual and artistic form of Dance Drama with deep cultural and social significance for southern Thais, with its unique style of singing and dancing, especially with the signature long, curled metal fingernail tips.
In Thailand, the Nora drama dance has been safeguarded by praising the Nora performers and masters as national artists of Nora, as well as promoting the stages of performance, practice, and knowledge transfer of the cultural heritage for the next generation.
To date, Thailand has three elements inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, namely, Khon Masked Dance Drama (2018), Nuad Thai (2019), and Nora, Dance Drama (2021). (PRD)