NRC President assures only charter without flaw will be put to use


BANGKOK, 6 March 2015 – The President of the National Reform Council has assured that he will not allow the new Constitution to be put to use if it has any flaw. 

NRC President Tienchay Kiranant said that the Constitution Drafting Committee, on April 17, is scheduled to present their first draft of the new charter to the reform council who will spend the following 10 days deliberating the draft.

Therefore, the NRC is set to carefully review the new Constitution during April 20 and 26, except April 23 when the National Legislative Assembly has scheduled a meeting, he said.

Mr. Tienchay added that all NRC members will be allowed to freely share their opinions about the draft charter while any questions from them and the NLA , the Cabinet as well as the National Council for Peace and Order can later be directed to the charter drafters for clarification.

The NRC President believes that the final version of the new Constitution will be exactly how it has been expected — a suitable and fair charter that can solve the problems of social, economic and political inequality.

He asserted that the NRC will not allow a charter which is not of any value or meaningfulness to be put to use as it will only cause more problems to Thailand later.