NRC’s mass communications reform committee to prepare latest report for main council meeting


BANGKOK, 3 May 2015  – The National Reform Council’s committee on mass communications reform is preparing to present its latest on report on media reform to the main council meeting.

NRC’s member Jumpol Rodkhamdee, who is also the chairman of the committee on media and information technology reform, has recently chaired a meeting to review a report on media reform, in which the committee has set up mechanisms to develop Thailand’s mass media sector.

In the report, the committee has proposed reform ideas to promote equal access to information by Thai people as well as to prevent any media interference while enabling the public to have more say in supervising the work of the media and enhancing media freedom and social responsibility.

To be specific, three strategies have been included in the media and information technology reform committee’s latest report, including the strategy to promote freedom alongside accountability.

Two other strategies are about the reform of media supervision through the setting up of an independent body to watch over the work of all types of media and about the prevention of media interference with the help of new laws.