One pass for all expressway systems commences in November


Starting on November 1, motorists who hold an M-Pass or an Easy Pass card can use either of the two cards in all expressway systems, including motorway, ringroad and expressway, said Mr Narong Khiaddet, governor of Expressway and Rapid Transit Authority, on Thursday.


He said officials concerned had electronically connected the three systems and there would be no problem for motorists using one pass card in travelling through all the expressway systems.

Currently, about 600,000 trips per day were recorded for the use of Easy Pass, representing 38 percent of altogether 1.8 million trips recorded from all the systems each day.

As for the Srirat-Outer ringroad expressway which was opened for use two months ago, between 30,000-40,000 trips through the expressway were recorded each day – which is far below the estimated 80,000 trips/day – the minimum figure to make even.

But Mr Narong is optimistic that more motorists would use the newly-launched system in the future.

He disclosed that ETA had planned to extend three expressway routes; the Rama III-Dao Kanong-outer western ringroad and third stage of expressway system.