OnlyFans porn actress caught offering drive-through sex acts in Chiang Mai

Cat and Bim, a Chiang Mai porn actress and her boyfriend, turned themselves in to police after a video of Cat selling fans the opportunity to perform sex acts with her in a parking lot emerged online.

A Chiang Mai porn actress and her boyfriend were arrested after a video of her selling fans the opportunity to perform sex acts with her in a parking lot emerged online.

Identified only as “Cat,” the heavily tattooed and pierced middle-aged woman turned herself in at Mae Rim Police Station Sept. 6. Her boyfriend and cameraman, “Bim” was also arrested.

The model had attracted hundreds of followers on the controversial OnlyFans website, which last month announced it would ban all sexual content from its platform, only to reverse course days later after a huge backlash.

Sexual content and porn were the primary revenue drivers behind OnlyFans, allowing it to grow to its current size and attract investors.

Police grabbed a screenshot to use as evidence.

But Cat took things beyond simply paying to watch her pornographic videos to actually meeting her in a parking lot to suck her nipples or perform far more graphic sex acts on her surgically enhanced breasts.

One man reportedly paid 1,000 baht for a two-minute interaction with Cat. The man caught on video reportedly was charged 50 baht, but ran off without paying, she said.

Police gathered more visual evidence to determine the location of the illicit act.

Cat and Bim were charged with producing pornographic media, which carries a fine of up to 60,000 baht and/or a three-year jail sentence. They also face charges under the Computer Crime Act, which carries penalties of up to five years in prison and/or a 100,000-baht fine.

Cat apologized to the Chiang Mai people for sullying the province’s reputation.