Over 2,000 taxis install anti-COVID partitions for safe reopening in November

Since the installation project started on Sept 16, 2,192 taxis have been equipped with the safety partitions while aiming to install such partitions on 3,000 taxis in time for November reopening, Mr. Chirute said.

The Land Transport Department said more than 2,000 taxis were equipped with partitions to contain COVID-19 as the government will increasingly reopen the country on Nov 1.

Chirute Visalachitra, director-general of the department, said the department and SCG Chemicals Co. were installing free partitions on taxis to protect drivers and passengers from droplets.

Since the installation project started on Sept 16, 2,192 taxis have been equipped with the safety partitions. The department and the company planned to install such partitions on 3,000 taxis and taxi cooperatives and associations were sending their taxis for the installation, Mr. Chirute said.

Taxi drivers could seek the partition installation at Building 4 at the Land Transport Department in Chatuchak district without prior registration, he said. (TNA)