Overflowing Mekong River pushes vendors out of Mukdaharn market


Mukdaharn – Vendors at the Indochina Market in Mukdaharn province have had to move their goods to higher ground due to the Mekong River overflowing into the area.

Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM) authorities have set up sandbags to protect underground portions of the market and are prepared to heighten the barricades if necessary but vendors have chosen to remove their goods for the time being. While the evacuation was prompted by rising waters, vendors noted that the retail space is slated for renovation soon and would have been cleared anyway.

The situation has attracted interest from locals in the area as well as tourists, with some commenting that the height of the Mekong River is similar to levels seen in 2011, when major floods affected most of the country. Residents have voiced concern over continuing rains.

Meanwhile in Nong Khai province 1,600 sandbags have been prepared to bolster water barricades in light of the rising Mekong River. A 24 hour watch on the water level has been initiated, while early plans are to open sluice gates to drain out water if needs be. Water pumps have also been set up to alleviate any flooding.

In Ubon Ratchathani, the Mekong River has risen to 15.27 meters and has flooded farms and roads in Kong Jiam, Huay Pai, Saeng Yai and Na Poh Klang sub-districts, affecting 259 households. A donation center has been started to take in dried food, equipment and medicine for those affected.