Panadda: Debt problems at top of complaint issues


BANGKOK, 30 October 2014 – Minister to the Prime Minister’s Office ML Panadda Diskul has voiced satisfaction with the operation of the government’s complaint center while citing household debt as the top cause for concern among Thai people.

ML Panadda today paid a visit to the complaint center at the Office of the Permanent Secretary of the Prime Minister’s Office in a bid to evaluate the center’s work and follow up on Thai people’s problems. He noted that after representatives from all 20 ministries were stationed at the center, the overall working process had been more efficient as related officials could directly give advice to those in need.

After his assessment, the minister disclosed that the majority of complaints pertained to debt problems, followed by vocational hardships and encroachment of public land by residential structures. Most complaints were submitted to the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Labor respectively.

ML Panadda is planning to request the Prime Minister to establish permanent complaint centers to serve the people. He added that an additional center would soon be set up at the old building of the Office of the Civil Service Commission due the large number of complaints being filed.