Paruskavan Palace hosts special exhibition to honor King Bhumibol


BANGKOK – A special photographic exhibition has been organized to honor HM the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej.


Numerous photos showing the late monarch at work with the police have been placed on display at Paruskavan Palace in Bangkok.

There are also 40 photographs of HM King Bhumibol and the late Princess Mother Sri Bajrindra during a time when both were actively engaged with the work of the police.

All photos selected for inclusion in the exhibition show the late King’s kindness to the Thai police force in many respects, which helped improve the lives of officers and the efficiency of the police’s work for the people across the country.

In one corner of the exhibition area, visitors have been invited to sign their condolence messages and their oath of allegiance to the highly-revered monarch.

The exhibition is open with free entry from 10 am to 4 pm daily until November 13.