People receive help from Road Accident Fund license auctions


The Chiang Mai Provincial Land Transport Office announced the auction for auspicious license plates beginning with the letters Kor Yor on February 25 – 26, 2017 at a ceremony to distribute equipment for the disabled purchased with funds from previous auctions.

Chiang Mai residents disabled and injured from road accidents received wheelchairs and other equipment purchased from funds raised by the auction of lucky license plates.
Chiang Mai residents disabled and injured from road accidents received wheelchairs and other equipment purchased from funds raised by the auction of lucky license plates.

Manat Kansai, Chiang Mai Deputy Governor and Chanchai Keelapang, Director of Chiang Mai Provincial Land Transport Office were on hand to distribute the equipment to people who have been disabled from road accidents. The fund was set up to use money raised from the auctions to help people who have been injured and disabled in road accidents. In 2016 the fund helped 13,783 people from the 658,511,301 baht budget. Included were seven electric wheelchairs, 15 regular wheelchairs, eleven people received prostheses, four hospital beds, and other equipment for a total value of 1,766,000 baht.

The next auction on February 25 – 26 is expected to raise at least 15 million baht.