People satisfied with PM’s determination on job: Suan Dusit Poll


BANGKOK, Dec 25 – Poll respondents gave Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra a rating of 7.08 out of 10 for her willingness and determination on the job, according to an opinion survey, conducted by Suan Dusit Rajabhat University.

Suan Dusit Poll assessing the government’s four month performance was conducted among 4,238 people across the country from December 10-24.

Poll respondents gave a rating of 6.49 out of 10 for the results of the prime minister’s work.

Meanwhile, the Cabinet was given lower scores of 6.44 and 6.21 for their determination on the job and for the result of its work, respectively.

The lowest score was given for the government’s perceived honesty at 5.87.

Classifying the performance of each ministry, the highest score of 6.63 was given to the Defence Ministry, followed by 6.56 for the Ministry of Tourism and Sports and 6.44 for the Public Health Ministry.

The lowest score, or 5.84, was garnered by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

Categorised by region, people living in the North gave the highest score of 7.29 out of 10 to the government, indicating that they were satisfied with the government’s performance, while people of the South gave an average rating of 5.44, the lowest score, compared to citizens polled in other regions. Bangkok residents gave the government an average score of 5.65.