Phang Nga to enforce road safety measures for holidays


PHANG NGA – Phang Nga Province is set to initiate measures geared to prevent accidents for the ‘7 Days of Danger’ period during the New Year holidays, vice governor says.

The road accident prevention and reduction committee chaired by the Vice Governor of Phang Nga Sakol Chantarak has come up with integrated measures for strict law and regulations enforcement aimed at preventing road accidents for the 7 Days of Danger during the New Year holidays.

The campaign, running from 29 December 2015 to 4 January 2016, will involve strict regulations as well as road facilitation for motorists at risk areas, as well as the placement of community checkpoints to detect risky behaviours which may lead to accidents in the local areas.

Most road accidents in Thailand are a result of driving under the influence of alchohol, causing numerous fatalities each year. The effort to reduce the number of accidents is a way to bring happiness to the people as a New Year gift, the vice governor has said.