Pickup truck torched in Narathiwat


NARATHIWAT, Feb 14 — Presumed insurgents in Narathiwat torched a pickup truck eartly this morning in the crisis-charged southern Thai province.

Narathiwat’s Rueso district police said that a pickup belonging to Edu Reh Maha, 44, was parked in front of his home here when it was set afire.

Police said the vehicle was damaged by the blaze, and a 5-litre petrol container was found at the scene.

Investigators said the incident occurred at 4.30am when two presumed insurgents on a motorbike stopped beside the pickup and splashed petrol over the vehicle and set it afire.

The two arsonists left the scene immediately, said the police.

It was believed that the attack was insurgency related as Mr Edu Reh has no conflict with anyone.