PM approves cancellation of arrival/departure card for Thai citizens


BANGKOK – According to the Government spokesperson, the Prime Minister has approved the exemption of Thai travelers from having to fill in the arrival and departure card. The PM used provisions of Section 44 of the interim charter to effect the change, which will take effect this month.

Government Spokesperson and acting Director-General of the Public Relations Department, Lt. Gen. Sansern Keawkamnerd said today that the decision came following a joint meeting between the Cabinet and the National Council for Peace and Order. Their discussions indicated that cancellation of the TM6 document for citizens, would significantly shorten the time taken for processing at the immigration office. The new regulation allows Thai citizens to present only their passports when traveling in and out of the country, without the need to fill in an arrival and departure card.

However, Lt. General Sansern stressed that foreign travellers still need to fill in the TM6 form.

The policy is expected to be issued in the Royal Gazette today.