Police raid the Maha Sarakham prison, confiscate contraband


MAHA SARAKHAM, 25 June 2015, Maha Sarakham police, military and administrative officers this morning conducted a surprise inspection at the province’s prison. No irregularities were found. The operation was conducted to purge the prison of illegal items such as drugs, cell phones, and anything that can be used as a weapon.

It is an important way of preventing inmates from committing crimes while being detained. Officials divided into squads before starting the search operation in both male and female wings. They discovered several shivs, strings, mirror pieces, spoons, forks, bottles, soap bits, pornography, pants and cigarettes, but no trace of prohibited items.

Currently, the Maha Sarakham provincial correctional facility detains 1,831 prisoners. 1,591 of the convicts are male.