Political groups urge early general election


BANGKOK, Apr 2 – Representatives of 53 Thai political parties today called on the country’s Election Commission (EC) to quickly hold a general election after the Feb 2 nationwide poll was invalidated by the Constitution Court.

Suratin Picharn, leader of the New Democracy Party, and representatives from smaller political parties, petitioned the elections body for an urgently organised election in 45-60 days as ruled by the Constitution Court and said the EC should return registration fees to candidates in the Feb 2 nullified general election.

He asked the EC to find a responsible agency to repay the Bt3.8 billion spending in the Feb 2 election.

He said the elections agency should invite 73 existing political parties to discuss and set a new balloting date, instead of waiting until its original April 22 schedule.

He said two rival factions – the anti-government People’s Democratic Reform Committee and the pro-government United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship – should be invited to the meeting.