POMC prohibits resistance to the maintaining of peace and order


BANGKOK 20 May 2014 — The Peace and Order Maintaining Command (POMC) has prohibited broadcasting of political opinions in the country. 

The POMC has declared that any broadcasting of individuals who are not government officials will be prohibited from giving any political views or opinions on national television, as the center wishes to prevent escalation of protests and crowds becoming riled up after listening to such broadcasts.

Therefore, according to the martial law that has recently been invoked, all operators of media, which include print media, television, radio, press, hosts and/or anchors will not be allowed to interview or invite any individual who is not currently in a governmental position to publicly air their political opinions.

Moreover, all provincial governors, along with all related government officials under the Ministry of Interior, which include the national police chief, are to take action and halt any and all ongoing protests. Any region that deems the situation uncontrollable must report immediately to nearby army commanders for reinforcements.