Prachin Buri hard hit by flooding


PRACHIN BURI, Sept 26 — Flooding in Prachin Buri is still at a critical level after additional floodwaters from rain-soaked Sa Kaeo province flowed into the earlier flood, raising the water level.

The overnight rain in Sa Kaeo province caused more flooding in Prachin Buri’s Kabin Buri district. The heavy rainfall added to floodwater at the old market community, raising it to almost four metres deep.

Outer areas such as Unakool Road were under one metre of floodwater. Local residents were awaiting assistance from volunteers delivering food and drinking water.

The floodwater level in Si Maha Phot district rose by 20 centemetres at Ban Khok Mai Daeng, formerly a flood-free area, is now inundated.

In Lop Buri’s Ban Mi district, the floodwater in many subdistricts is stable but Suthep Witthaya School closed indefinitely after its premises were under 50 centimetres of water.

It was expected that the school could reopen next week.

Areas along the Chainat-Pasak River in Lopburi were at risk as the strong current eroded the river bank, damaging the clay dyke. Residents have started moving their belongings.

At Ubon Ratchathani, 16 districts were declared flood disaster zones, while floodwater has damaged more than 200,000 rai of agricultural crops and some 2,000 households were flooded.