PRD and BBC holds “Using Social Media” workshop meeting


The Government Public Relations Department (PRD) along with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), is holding a meeting and workshop under the theme “Using Social Media” in Bangkok from the 17th-20th June 2013. 

The goal of the workshop is to improve publication skills by effectively adopting new technology and forms of media. Miss Ampawan Charoenkul, Deputy Director General of the PRD presided over the meeting, which was attended by central and regional PRD personnel.

According to Miss Ampawan, not only does social media have a strong impact on people’s daily lives nowadays, but it can also be useful in raising awareness and the publicizing of news and shows. The reason behind this meeting is that theory and practical ideas as well as experience can be exchanged to help improve the skills of users and employers.

The workshop will help improve overall practical skills in news and information presentation through new media in a fast and effective manner, and also to enhance the public image of the organisation.