PRD holding ‘ASEAN Week’ at Central World


BANGKOK, 4 March 2015 – The Public Relations Department is holding the ‘ASEAN Week’ event at Central World Department Store in Bangkok as part of efforts to prepare Thailand for its integration into the ASEAN Economic Community at the end of this year. 

According to M.L. Panadda Diskul, minister attached to the prime minister’s office, many state agencies have attained language competency that will play a crucial role in facilitating trade and tourism contacts. The Public Relations Department was thus holding the ASEAN Week event at Central World in Bangkok to publicize the ASEAN Economic Community to the general public as well as to foster the public’s awareness of the AEC integration.

At the event, contents relating to ASEAN and AEC were available through booths representing each member state. Exhibits, question and answer sessions, and arts and culture displays by embassies of ASEAN countries can also be found. The event also featured various artistic performances.

The ASEAN Week event, which will end on Thursday, is held under the title “We are ASEAN”.